Correcting Two-Sample z and t Tests for Correlation: An alternative to One-Sample Tests on Difference Scores
In order to circumvent the influence of correlation in paired-samples [...]
In order to circumvent the influence of correlation in paired-samples [...]
In survey sampling the randomized response (RR) technique can be [...]
In this paper, we used simulations to compare the performance [...]
Utilizando medidas de latencia sacádica de los ojos en una [...]
Why does the general demeanor of others change as soon [...]
The present study examined the effects of predatory odor (cat [...]
The aim of this research was to test whether there [...]
The main aim of this research was to study whether [...]
La administración sistémica de antagonistas de NMDA produce una interrupción [...]
We investigated the presence and the characteristics of the Simon [...]
Using an artificial language learning manipulation, Maye, Werker, and Gerken [...]
This paper explores the temporal course of discourse updating after [...]